type PerformActionRequest: 
  | {
  "method": "broadcastTransaction";
  "signedTransaction": string;
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "blockTag": BlockTag;
  "method": "call";
  "transaction": PerformActionTransaction;
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "method": "chainId";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "method": "estimateGas";
  "transaction": PerformActionTransaction;
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "address": string;
  "blockTag": BlockTag;
  "method": "getBalance";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "address": string;
  "method": "getOutpointsByAddress";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "blockTag": BlockTag;
  "includeTransactions": boolean;
  "method": "getBlock";
  "shard": Shard;
  | {
  "blockHash": string;
  "includeTransactions": boolean;
  "method": "getBlock";
  "shard": Shard;
  | {
  "method": "getBlockNumber";
  "shard": Shard;
  | {
  "address": string;
  "blockTag": BlockTag;
  "method": "getCode";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "method": "getGasPrice";
  "txType": boolean;
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "filter": PerformActionFilter;
  "method": "getLogs";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "method": "getMaxPriorityFeePerGas";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "address": string;
  "blockTag": BlockTag;
  "method": "getStorage";
  "position": bigint;
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "hash": string;
  "method": "getTransaction";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "address": string;
  "blockTag": BlockTag;
  "method": "getTransactionCount";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "hash": string;
  "method": "getTransactionReceipt";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "hash": string;
  "method": "getTransactionResult";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "method": "getRunningLocations";
  "now": boolean;
  "shard": Shard;
  | {
  "method": "getProtocolTrieExpansionCount";
  "shard": Shard;
  | {
  "amt": number;
  "blockTag": BlockTag;
  "method": "getQiRateAtBlock";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "amt": number;
  "blockTag": BlockTag;
  "method": "getQuaiRateAtBlock";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "method": "getProtocolExpansionNumber";
  | {
  "method": "getPendingHeader";
  | {
  "method": "getTxPoolContent";
  "zone": Zone;
  | {
  "method": "txPoolInspect";
  "zone": Zone;

The AbstractProvider methods will normalize all values and pass this type to AbstractProvider._perform | AbstractProvider._perform.

