Running go-quai on Windows or WSL2 is not currently supported.


To run a Quai Network node, the following specifications are suggested:

Fast CPU with 16+ cores


Fast SSD with at least 3TB free space

10+ MBit/sec download Internet service

Install Dependencies


Go v1.23.0+

Snap is not default installed on all Linux distros

  # install snapd if you don't have it already
  sudo apt install snapd

  # install go
  sudo snap install go --classic

If you’re not on Ubuntu or MacOS, instructions on how to install go directly can be found on the golang installation page.


Git, Make, and G++

Install git, make, and g++ with the following command:

# install git and make
sudo apt install git make g++

Node Configuration


Transactions do not go live on Mainnet until February 19th, 2025. If you are looking to deploy an application or integrate for an exchange, please use the Orchard testnet.

The coinbase values above are set to dummy values. If you do not replace them with your own addresses, you will not receive block rewards.

This will spin up a node using the values of the node.slices, node.quai-coinbases, node.qi-coinbases flags in your command. Logs should begin printing to the terminal.


Stopping your node should be done any time you make changes to your config file or prior to shutting your machine down. A node instance can terminated using CTRL+C.

If you’re running a miner, CTRL+C may not work. You must kill the miner process prior to stopping the node.

Other Node Operations

Environment Variables

There are a few key variables required to run a Quai node. They will be passed as arguments in the start command.

  • quai-coinbases and qi-coinbases: the addresses in each ledger that block rewards and miner tips are paid to.
  • miner-preference: the percentage of block rewards that should be paid out on average in Quai or Qi tokens.
  • slices: the slices of the network that the node will run.

There are a number of more advanced parameters that can be passed as arguments that will not be covered in this article.


Configure Mining Addresses

Coinbases will be passed to the start command similar to below, with your own addresses for the chains that you intend to mine. You can generate addresses for each shard and ledger easily with Pelagus Wallet.

You must generate unique Quai and Qi addresses for each shard your node is running and pass them as coinbase flags to the run command. There is a unique coinbases flag for each ledger:

  • quai-coinbases: Coinbases for Quai ledger
  • qi-coinbases: Coinbases for Qi ledger
# single slice node running cyprus1, one quai address + one qi address
--node.quai-coinbases '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
--node.qi-coinbases '0x0080000000000000000000000000000000000000'

The Qi mining address starts with a “0x00…”, this is not to be confused with the Qi payment address. You can find the Qi mining address in the settings of the Pelagus Wallet.


Block Reward Prefernce

The Quai protocol can payout block rewards and miner tips in either Quai or Qi tokens. While miners have no ability to determine what token their miner tips are paid out in, the do have the ability to set their block reward payout token preference to either Quai or Qi.

Block reward token preference can be set using the miner-preference flag. The miner-preference flag is a percentage scale that can be set to values between 0 and 1, indicating the proportion of block rewards that should be paid out in Quai or Qi tokens.

Some examples:

  • 0: 100% Quai preference, all block rewards are paid out in Quai
  • 0.25: 3/1 Quai preference
  • 0.5: Even split, on average block rewards are paid out equally in Quai and Qi
  • 0.75: 3/1 Qi preference
  • 1: 100% Qi preference, all block rewards are paid out in Qi

Pass the miner-preference flag in the start command with a value between 0 and 1 like below:

# no preference (default)
--node.miner-preference 0.5
# 100% Quai preference
--node.miner-preference 0
# 100% Qi preference
--node.miner-preference 1

Reward Lockup Period

The Quai protocol immediately pays out block rewards as blocks are mined, but are subject to a lockup period.

  • Quai Block rewards are sent to the coinbase of the miner after the lockup period has elapsed.
  • Qi Block reward tokens are sent to the coinbase of the miner and register as balance, but are deemed “not spendable” until they are unlocked.

The lockup period is configurable by miners using the --node.coinbase-lockup flag. The protocol provides additional incentives for miners to lock up their block rewards for a longer period of time.

The available values for --node.coinbase-lockup and their corresponding period and reward boost are:

ValuePeriod (blocks)Period (days)Reward Boost
0*241,9202 weeks+0%
11,555,2003 months+3.5%
23,110,4006 months+10%
36,220,80012 months+25%
*Base maturity period

Pass the --node.coinbase-lockup flag in the start command like below:

# minimum lockup (default)
--node.coinbase-lockup 0
# maximum lockup
--node.coinbase-lockup 3


Set the node.slices flag in your run command to whichever slices of the network you would like to run.

In the codebase, a slice is identified by its region and zone index. Region and zone indices are 0-indexed and range from 0-2.

The Colosseum Mainnet and Orchard Testnet only support the [0 0] slice.
# single slice node running cyprus1
--node.slices '[0 0]'

Network Environment & Genesis Nonce

To connect to Quai, you must have the correct genesis nonce for the intended network. The nonce acts as a password that allows your node to correctly compute the first canonical block in the chain.

You’ll pass the genesis nonce to your node on start-up using the --node.genesis-nonce flag.

# Orchard Testnet geneis nonce
--node.genesis-nonce 62242624366553750196964614682162313
--node.environment "orchard"

Options for --node.environment are: "colosseum" (mainnet), "orchard" (mainnet testnet), "garden" (mainnet devnet), and "local".

EnvironmentDescriptionGenesis Nonce
orchardMainnet testnet62242624366553750196964614682162313
localLocal developmentN/A