Mining Pools & Software
Available mining pools and software for Quai Network miners.
Disclaimer: Quai Network does not endorse any specific mining pools or software. Users should conduct their own research and use third-party services at their own risk.
Mining Software
Software Name | Repository |
Quai GPU Miner | https://github.com/dominant-strategies/quai-gpu-miner |
SRBMiner-Multi | https://github.com/doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi |
Rigel | https://github.com/rigelminer/rigel |
WildRig Multi | https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/releases |
Available Mining Pools
Pool Name | Website |
AlphaPool | https://alphapool.tech |
HeroMiners | https://quai.herominers.com |
K1Pool | https://k1pool.com/pool/quai |
Kryptex | https://pool.kryptex.com/quai |
LuckyPool | https://quai.luckypool.io |
Oula | https://oula.network/en/pool |
Want to add your pool or software to this list? Submit a PR to our documentation repository.
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