This Error indicates a transaction reverted.



PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited from
actionCallExceptionActionThe action being performed when the revert was encountered.-
codeErrorCodeThe string error code.quaisError.code
datanull | stringThe revert data returned.-
error?ErrorAny related error.quaisError.error
info?Record<string, any>Additional info regarding the error that may be useful.

This is generally helpful mostly for human-based debugging.
invocationnull | { "args": any[]; "method": string; "signature": string; }The contract invocation details, if available.-
reasonnull | stringA human-readable representation of data, if possible.-
receipt?TransactionReceiptIf the error occurred in a transaction that was mined (with a status of 0), this is the receipt.-
revertnull | { "args": any[]; "name": string; "signature": string; }The built-in or custom revert error, if available-
shortMessagestringA short message describing the error, with minimal additional details.quaisError.shortMessage
transactionCallExceptionTransactionThe transaction that triggered the exception.-