This Error indicates a request was rejected by the user.

In most clients (such as MetaMask), when an operation requires user authorization (such as signer.sendTransaction), the client presents a dialog box to the user. If the user denies the request this error is thrown.



PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited from
action| "unknown" | "sendTransaction" | "signTransaction" | "signMessage" | "signTypedData" | "requestAccess"The requested action.-
codeErrorCodeThe string error code.quaisError.code
error?ErrorAny related error.quaisError.error
info?Record<string, any>Additional info regarding the error that may be useful.

This is generally helpful mostly for human-based debugging.
reason"rejected" | "pending" | "expired"The reason the action was rejected.

If there is already a pending request, some clients may indicate there is already a "pending" action. This
prevents an app from spamming the user.
shortMessagestringA short message describing the error, with minimal additional details.quaisError.shortMessage