A deployment transaction for a contract.



PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited from
accessList?AccessListThe EIP-2930 access list. Storage slots included in the access list
are warmed by pre-loading them, so their initial cost to fetch is guaranteed, but then each additional access is
blockTag?BlockTagWhen using call or estimateGas, this allows a specific block to be queried. Many backends do not support this
and when unsupported errors are silently squelched and "latest" is used.
chainId?bigintThe chain ID for the network this transaction is valid on.Omit.chainId
customData?anyA custom object, which can be passed along for network-specific values.Omit.customData
datastringThe transaction data.Omit.data
fromstringThe from address, if any.Omit.from
gasLimit?bigintThe maximum amount of gas to allow this transaction to consume.Omit.gasLimit
gasPrice?bigintThe gas price to use for legacy transactions or transactions on legacy networks.

Most of the time the max*FeePerGas is preferred.
maxFeePerGas?bigintThe EIP-1559 maximum total fee to pay per gas. The actual value used
is protocol enforced to be the block’s base fee.
maxPriorityFeePerGas?bigintThe EIP-1559 maximum priority fee to pay per gas.Omit.maxPriorityFeePerGas
nonce?numberThe nonce of the transaction, used to prevent replay attacks.Omit.nonce
type?numberThe transaction type.Omit.type
value?bigintThe transaction value (in wei).Omit.value