
Quai Network transactions are split into 3 different types, or categories depending on where they are executed.

  • Type 0: Quai Transaction: A transaction executed on the Quai ledger within a single shard.
  • Type 1: External Transaction: Transactions that cross shards or serve special network functions, such as miner payouts or Quai/Qi conversions.
  • Type 2: Qi Transaction: UTXO style transactions processed on the Qi Ledger.

Type 0: Quai Transaction

Type 0 transactions are transactions that are executed within a single shard on the Quai ledger. They follow a similar format to traditional EVM transactions and can be used to transfer Quai tokens, interact with a smart contract, or deploy a new smart contract.


	"from": "0x000057fad1aa3fb866a7fbe1f03429dfb1a62456",
	"gas": "0xf618",
	"maxFeePerGas": "0xbd3b2b928",
	"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0xa410",
	"hash": "0x0002000ff641b8ab3c9f6b356ed2916a77039689d95184635cbfec8ba85b5dbd",
	"input": "0x",
	"nonce": "0x7",
	"to": "0x1228d3ed4aedc881d950726cd9d98d051cc2c643",
	"value": "0x5",
	"type": "0x0",
	"accessList": [],
	"chainId": "0x2328",
	"v": "0x0",
	"r": "0x5b30dbe83dca992a3f9633c305c34a0da4d67a64281c3764fc17a5ecbc9794b7",
	"s": "0x571e56e75b58550c8d9fb64268c4ef53606882155a1a5b73ad344a4605a97a3",
	"etxType": ""
For Quai transactions, the type field is always 0x0. The etxType is always empty.

Key Properties

  • ECDSA signatures (V, R, S)
  • Includes chainID and nonce fields for replay protection
  • Support for EIP-1559 style gas pricing
  • Includes accessList field for EIP-2930 support

Type 1: External Transaction

Type 1 transactions can be split into 3 sub-types:

  • Cross-Shard Transactions: Used for transferring value or data between different shards.
  • Coinbase Transactions: Special transactions that payout block rewards and fees.
  • Conversion Transactions: Native protocol conversions between Quai and Qi.

Type 1 transactions, regardless of subtype, are never directly initiated by a user. They are always intiated directly by the protocol, following either a Type 0 or Type 2 transferring value across shards, a network designated miner payout, or a Quai/Qi conversion also initiated following a Type 0 or Type 2 transaction.


	"originatingTxHash": "0x0002000ff641b8ab3c9f6b356ed2916a77039689d95184635cbfec8ba85b5dbd",
	"etxIndex": "0x3",
	"gas": "0xf618",
	"to": "0x1228d3ed4aedc881d950726cd9d98d051cc2c643",
	"value": "0x5",
	"data": "0x",
	"sender": "0x000057fad1aa3fb866a7fbe1f03429dfb1a62456",
	"etxType": "etx"

Key Properties

  • Includes etxType property to indicate the transaction sub-type. Available subtypes are coinbase, conversion, and etx
  • Contains the originatingTxHash to identify the transaction that initiated the Type 1 transaction
  • Includes ETXIndex for ordering multiple external transactions from a single origin
  • Does not include or require any signatures

Type 2: Qi Transaction

Type 2 transactions are transactions that are executed within a single shard on the Qi ledger. They follow a similar format to traditional UTXO transactions and can be used to transfer Qi tokens of specific denominations.

Qi Transactions utilize previous unspent outputs of an address as inputs for every transaction.


	"txIns": [
			"PreviousOutPoint": {
				"TxHash": "0x9c26a92ea692273abeaa3a8b0349715938c81bc7a897e496eec1fc3963f4ac32",
				"Index": 0
			"Pubkey": "0x0080017fc240B17F94Ed1a9b7450E9096D43223E"
	"txOuts": [
			"Denomination": 15,
			"Address": "0x1228d3ed4aedc881d950726cd9d98d051cc2c643",
			"Lock": 0
	"txType": 2
The txType field is always 2 for Qi transactions.

Key Properties

  • Uses Schnorr and Musig signatures
  • UTXO-like input and output transaction structures
  • Does not include gas or data related fields