Mainnet Infrastructure

Quaiscan ExplorerThe public explorer for Quai Network mainnet.
Quaiscan DocumentationDocumentation for Quaiscan usage, APIs, and more.
Network Statistics PageMainnet statistics dashboard.

Testnet Infrastructure

Quaiscan ExplorerThe public explorer for Orchard Testnet.
Quaiscan DocumentationDocumentation for Quaiscan usage, APIs, and more.
FaucetThe central source for testnet Quai token drips on Orchard Testnet.


API PlaygroundPlayground for interacting with the go-quai JSON-RPC API.
Local Network RunnerA containerized Quai Network instance built for local development.
Quais SDKA JavaScript/TypeScript library built for interacting with Quai Network.
Quais SDK npm packageThe Quais SDK npm package.
Quais + HardhatExample usage of the Quais SDK with Hardhat.


Pelagus WebsiteThe primary wallet for interacting with Quai Network.
Pelagus ExtensionThe most current Pelagus Wallet extension download.
Pelagus Extension (Iron Age Version)Older version of Pelagus Wallet that supports the older Iron Age Address format.
Pelagus DocsPelagus Wallet documentation.
Example Pelagus AppExample application using Pelagus Wallet.

Smart Contracts

Supported LanguagesSupported smart contract languages on Quai Network.
Deployment TutorialsTutorials on how to deploy smart contracts on Quai Network.
Deployment ExamplesExample repository for deploying smart contracts on Quai Network.
quai-hardhat-plugin npm packageA plugin built for Hardhat that provides support for deploying smart contracts on Quai Network.

Open Source Applications

quai-next-dappBoilerplate application built using Pelagus and Quaiscan APIs.
quai-no-code-deployerNo-code smart contract deployment tool for Quai Network.
pelagus-e2e-dappExample application using Pelagus Wallet.